No, I didn't fall off the edge of the world

I just haven't had any good ideas for a while, and if you don't have any ideas there's no point in doing anything. 

Then on Friday I got bored waiting for some code to compile and I started making a Menger sponge.

Level 2 Menger sponge from the side

Level 2 Menger sponge from the top

That one is a level 2 Menger sponge.  It's made up of 20 of these level 1 sponges, which in turn are each made up of 20 paper spirals pinched into little cubes.

Level 1 Menger sponge

I thought using spirals to make the Menger sponges would underline the fractal nature of the shape.  Then I thought that if I made a whole bunch of Menger sponges I could arrange them into a landscape.  An abstract landscape, of course.  Cubist, even.  But then a lot of city landscapes are rather cubist anyway.  The subdivision across the gorge from my house is a case in point.  So I went and got a big canvass, and I plan to make a relief sculpure of that subdivision with the Menger shapes.  It'll be really fun if I can turn a boring housing development into an interesting landscape.
